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the noisy city中文是什么意思

用"the noisy city"造句"the noisy city"怎么读"the noisy city" in a sentence


  • 吵闹的孩子


  • I prefer the quiet countryside to the noisy cities
  • Hutong that still exist are like oases of calm surrounded by the noisy city
  • There is a wonderful joy in leaving behind the noisy city streets and starting out along the white road that leads across the hills
  • Far from the noisy city , the world famous badaling will bring you to the world of fairyland , a snow - white and crystal clear world
  • The school campus 1 . the school campus , spacious ( 23 hectares ) , lush , quiet , faraway from the noisy city , provides the ideal place to study
  • Whenever you want to leave from the noisy city and gain the relaxation or intend to undertake the negotiation of business , new metropolis yijing hotel will offer you a considerate and complaisant service
  • Far from the noisy city in this fine and gentle care , surrounded in the wonderful music and the floating hidden fragrance , you feel the essence extracted from the nature going into you body
  • Scientific assistants on shift duty at cheung chau had to stay there for nine consecutive days at a time . some colleagues really appreciated the serene life - style because they could read amply in a tranquil environment or admire the beauty of the star - studded night sky . however , when they eventually returned to the urban areas , they had to readjust themselves to the noisy city and to cope with the busy traffic
  • Luoyang jiudu hotel is modern hotel that open to the foreigners , which combines with accommodation , restaurant , commerce together , located on the daonan road , xigong zone in luoyang city , 500 meters from railway station , 7km to airport , near the noisy city center in south , neighboring the long - distance car station in east , the transportation is very convenient
  • Scientific assistants on shift duty at cheung chau had to stay there for nine consecutive days at a time . some colleagues really appreciated the serene life - style because they could read amply in a tranquil environment or admire the beauty of the star - studded night sky . however , when they eventually returned to the urban areas , they had to readjust themselves to the noisy city and to cope with the busy traffic
用"the noisy city"造句  
the noisy city的中文翻译,the noisy city是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译the noisy city,the noisy city的中文意思,the noisy city的中文the noisy city in Chinesethe noisy city的中文the noisy city怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。